Testing Process

The CCAS process involves testing approximately 10% of the spans in the circuit being evaluated. It is not necessary to test each phase in every span to get a useful sample size. The test results yield a circuit evaluation for the average condition of the line. Individual locations that represent more severe corrosion than the circuit average are also reported. The final result is a RSL projection for the circuit being tested.

CCAS uses a remotely controlled Tug to pull the Trolley and sensor Coil along the conductor. The CCAS instrument is landed on the conductor by a crew using the utility clients operating procedures. The instrument detects the volume of galvanizing on the steel core bundle. A Reference Model of a corroded conductor provides the baseline for evaluation of the field data.

When severe corrosion is detected a sample of the circuit can be removed for mechanical testing to confirm the loss of strength of the cable. CCAS is a non-destructive test method that examines 100% of a single span. It accurately shows the overall condition of the conductor in the circuit. Testing on live lines up to 400kV can be done.

The CCAS testing process allows for rapid discovery of any deterioration in the conductor due to corrosion.

Observe Movie of Field Testing