Data Analysis

CCAS process collects data from 10% of the spans on the circuit and grades each span using a four number system. The Grade relates the amount of zinc remaining on the steel core bundle to a corrosion reference model created for the conductor being tested.

The data that the instrument generates is transmitted to a CCAS program called “ Analysis ”. This program has four primary functions: Data Capture, Reference Model Building, Data Analysis and Batch Printing for Report presentation.

Grade #1 indicates a new conductor. Grade #2 shows that more than 50% of the zinc still remains on the core wire. A physical examination the core would show little or no rusting of the steel strands. A grade #3 would indicate that more than 50% of the zinc has been corroded causing a reduction in the ductility of the core wire. A Grade #4 signifies the steel core bundle has less than 20% of the original zinc coating. Dramatic loss in ductility and tensile strength will have occurred.

In the report presentation these grades will be used to illustrate the level of corrosion. A circuit that receives a Grade #4 is at the end of its service life ( ESL ).